Athletes for Malone

Inspiring Leaders of Tomorrow

In the shadows of Memorial Stadium, programs at Malone are designed to empower youth to think and behave differently to create better outcomes in their lives. The kids in our programs dream of being in your shoes as a college or pro athlete. Malone is a pivotal component of a system of support for reaching those dreams.

With your help, we can show our kids and families what success in sports looks like – you are the embodiment of their dreams, and you make a difference by showing up and supporting them.

Contribute to the Breaking the Cycle Campaign & support Athletes for Malone

Every year, Malone reaches more than 1,000 kids and families. To support this work, we are creating Athletes for Malone, a group of athletes and coaches investing in the future of our community through support of our capital campaign. The new 54,000-square-foot, $23 million facility is creating dedicated and flexible space for programs to continue to grow and thrive.

Make A Donation

Give at one of the following levels:

Athletes for Malone Starter ($10,000)

  • Name listed on special Athletes for Malone recognition in the new gymnasium.
  • Name listed on campaign website.
  • Name included in campaign press release.
  • Donor acknowledgement on social media.

Athletes for Malone Champion ($25,000)

  • Name listed on special Athletes for Malone recognition in the new gymnasium.
  • Name listed on campaign website.
  • Name included in campaign press release.
  • Donor acknowledgement on social media.

Athletes for Malone Legend ($50,000)

  • Name listed on Athletes for Malone recognition in the new gymnasium and additional naming opportunities available.
  • Name listed on campaign website.
  • Donor acknowledgement on social media.
  • Name included in local radio advertisement for the campaign.

Athletes for Malone MVP ($100,000)

  • Name listed on Athletes for Malone recognition in the new gymnasium and additional naming opportunities available.
  • Name listed prominently on campaign website.
  • Donor acknowledgement on social media.
  • Name included in local radio advertisement for the campaign.
  • Private tour of the new facility and lunch for 10 guests prior to public ribbon cutting event.

Mail a check payable to:
The Malone Capital Campaign
P.O. Box 80723
Lincoln, NE 68501

Thank You!